Cases of Torture and Custodial Killings Jan - Aug 1992

1. Mohd. Ashraf R/O Misuma was arrested by the forces on 30-1-92, dargged out from the house of one Gh. Ahmad Bafanda at Malikyar Fethkadal, taken into custody and shot dead by forces in presence of the passers-by on 30-1-92, during day time. Forces instead of arresting him preferred to kill him on the spot.

2. Wali-Ul-Rehman aged 20 years R/O Ajas, Bandipora, employee of Sales tax department, was arrested by forces during crackdown operation at Ajas on 1-2-92, along with many other locals and taken to some torture centre, where he was tortured and killed. His dead body was handed over to his relatives through local Police on 1-2-92.

3. Mehraj-Ud-Din ( Hyder) R/O Sogham was arrested by the forces on 8-2-92, and on the same day he was released. He was pushed away from the vehicle and told to run away. When he walked few steps, forces fired at him and killed him on the spot.

4. Gh. Mohd. Dar S/O Gh. Qadir R/O Rithan, Berwah, Badgham was arrested by the forces on 14-2-92, taken to some interrogation centre, tortured and killed on 14-2-92. His body was handed over to his relatives through local Police. There were visible marks of violance on various parts of his body.

5. Gh. Mohd. (Bahadur) R/O Koni Gham, Tangmarg, Baramulla, was arrested by forces on 29-2-92 and taken to some torture cell, beaten till death. His body was receieved by his relatives in the evening.

6. Riyaz Ahmad Lone aged 14 years R/O Watergham, Sopore, Baramulla, was arrested by the forces, taken to some torture cell, tortured and killed; his dead body was found in the near by locality on 2-3-92.

7. Ab. Hamid Ganiee aged 9 years R/O Hadipora, Rafiabad, Baramulla, was arrested by the forces along with Riyaz Ahmad, taken to some torture cell and killed. His dead body was recovered by his relatives in the nearby locality on 2-3-92.

8. Ab. Rehman Hakim R/O Srinagar was arrested by the forces at Malaratta, taken to some torture cell, tortured and released half-dead. Later he succumbed to injuries at his home on 5-3-92.

9. Ali Mohd. Ganiee S/O Ab. Ahad R/O Batengoo, Sopore, was arrested by the forces on 5-3-92, taken to some torture cell, tortured and killed on 7-3-92. His dead body with burn marks on various parts of body was receieved by his relatives.

10. Mushtaq Ahmad Shora ( Noor-Ul-Hassan) R/O Mughal Mohalla, Chattabal, was arrested by the forces on 27-2-92, at Fethkadal during Crackdown, taken to some interrogation centre, where his kidneys were damaged due to the ruthlees torture. His father approched the authorities to see his son and on the same date his dead body was receieved by his relatives on 9-3-92 from local Police.

11. Pervez Ahmad R/O Hygham, Sopore, Baramulla, was arrested by the forces at Hygham, taken into custody, tortured and killed. His dead body was handed over to his relatives through local Police on 9-3-92.

12. Farooq Ahmad Dar R/O Renchini, was arrested by the forces at Renchini, taken into custody, tortured and killed. His dead body was handed over to his relatives on 9-3-92.

13. Mohd. Yousf R/O Islamabad, was arrested by the force and tortured in some torture cell and killed. His dead body was receieved by his relatives on 12-3-92.

14. Nisar Ahmad Khan R/O Pulwama, was arrested by the forces on 14-3-92, taken to some torture cell, tortured and killed. His dead body was received by his relatives on 16-3-92, through local Police.

15. Mohd. Yosuf Beig aged 52 years R/O Alucha Bagh, was arrested by the forces on 23/24-3-92, at Bemina, along with other eight persons, taken to Tatoo Ground Army Camp near Batamaloo, tortured and killed. His dead body was receieved on 25-3-92 by his relatives from Police station Parimpora, who have registered a case under F.I.R. no:- 25/92 under section 302 RPC which is under investigation. In this regard the relatives have challanged his torture death in 888/92 which is pending investigation.

16. Gh. Rasool Khan R/O Younis Bandipora, was arrested by the forces during crackdown operations, tortured and killed; his dead body was handed over to his relatives on 2-4-92.

17. Ab. Rehman R/O Malangham, Bandipora, was arrested by the forces along with others during crackdown operations, tortured in some cell and killed. His dead body was handed over to his relatives on 2-4-92.

18. Mumin Khan R/O Wandakpora, Kakpora, Pulwama, was arrested by the forces, taken to some torture cell, tortured and killed. His dead body was thrown in a truck on 3-4-92.

19. Mohd. Akbar Sofi R/O Vizer, Baramulla, was arrested during crackdown operations by the forces, tortured in some cell and dead body handed over to his relatives through Police on 7-4-92.

20. Gh. Mohd. sheik R/O Sopore, was arrested by the forces on 8-4-92, during search operations and taken into custody. Then forces fired at him near Govt. Degree College Sopore and killed him on 11-4-92.

21. Sheer Khan R/O Sheer-A-Bad, Sopore, was arrested by the forces. He was shot dead in a compound on 12-4-92.

22. Mohd. Shabeer Lone R/O Feth Gadh, Baramulla was arrested by the forces some days earlier, taken to some torture cell, tortured and killed. His dead body was handed over to his relatives through local Police on 19-4-92.

23. Gh. Mohd. Hajam ( Gulla Hajam) S/O Ab. Rehman R/O Ganderbal, was arrested by the forces a few days earlier and taken to some torture cell, tortured and killed. His dead body was recovered from Ganderbal Canal on 21-4-92.

24. Ab. Gani Mir ( Patwari) R/O Nanil, Islamabad, was arrested by the forces during crackdown along with many persons on 25-3-92 and taken to some torture cell, tortured and killed. Visible injuries on on chest and abdomin front side of his body were seen. His dead body was receieved by his relatives on 2-5-92. The revenue department protested on his torture death and demanded an inquiry.

25. Abdul Ahad Teli S/O Mohd. Shafi R/O Kangan, who was a tailor, was arrested by the forces, tortured and killed. His relatives were only informed that he is dead. His dead body is still with the forces. This information was revealed on 11-5-92.

26. Mohd. Assadullah Rather ( Ab. Ahad Sheik) R/O Dandi Mohwah, Kandi Baramulla, was arrested by the forces during crackdown operations, taken to some torture centre, tortured and killed. His dead body was handed over to his relatives on 12-5-92.

27. The forces entered the house of Fida Hussain R/O Kralapora, Hawal , and took him into custody. When he resisted he was dragged out and killed on the spot on 15-5-92.

28. Nazir Ahmad Sheik R/O Rafiabad, Sopore, was arrested by the forces on 13-5-92, during crackdown, taken to some cell, tortured and killed. His dead body was handed over to his relatives on 15-5-92.

29. Ab. Khaliq Gujree R/O Ranger Masjid Hawal, was taken into custody by the force and then shot dead after pumping number of bullets into his body on 15-5-92.

30. Gh. Nabi Mir S/O Ab. Ahad Mir R/O Ogri Village, Sopore, was arrested by the forces along with thirteen locals during crackdown. He was tortured in some cell and killed. His dead body was receieved by his relatives on 15-5-92.

31. Ab. Aziz R/O Kach-Hama Baramulla, was arrested by the forces during crackdown operation, taken to some cell, tortured and killed. His dead body was receieved by his relatives on 19-5-92.

32. Mohd. Sadiq R/O Kach-Hama, Baramulla, was arrested by the forces during crackdown operations and taken to some torture cell, tortured and killed. His dead body was receieved by his relatives on 19-5-92.

33. One Gh. Mohd. Mir R/O Ashapora, Qazi-A-Bad, Kupwara was ruthlessly beaten by the forces during search operations after he was taken into custody. He died on 22-5-92 as a result of the injuries.

34. One Mohd. Shaban Dar aged 51 years R/O Sanbura, Pampore was tortured after he was taken into custody by the forces during crackdown operation and killed on 23-5-92.

35. One Ab. Aziz Lone R/O Uri, Baramulla was arrested by the forces some days earlier. He was shot dead by the forces at Kacha-Hama on 27-5-92.

36. One Sheik Javeed Iqbal ( Nisar-Ul-Hassan) R/O Islamabad, was arrested by the forces during crackdown operations at Kuker-Nagh on 29-5-92 and taken to some interrogation cell, where he was tortured and killed. On the dead body there were visible marks of violence on the face and neck.

37. One Nazir Ahmad Yatoo S/O Khazir Mohd. Yatoo R/O Seer Jageer, Sopore, was asked by the forces to come down from the cart, when he was driving it on the roadside and when he came down, forces took him into custody and without any reason pumped bullets into his body on 2-6-92 near hospital as a result of which he died on the spot.

38. On 4/5-6-92, after a Hand Granade attack on the forces at Grattabal, Nawakadal, forces after 2-3 minutes came out of their bunkers and started indiscriminate firing and two brothers, who were coming home about 8.30 PM, receieved bullet injuries and one Showket Ahmad R/O Safakadal died on the spot. His brother, namely Shabeer Ahmad receieved bullet injuries on his leg. The forces took him into custody. Next day his dead body was handed over to his relatives.

39. One MOhd. Ashraf Bhat ( Tufan) S/O Mohd. Sidiq R/O Cheek Safapora, was arrested by the forces on 1-6-92. He was thrown out of the vehicle by the forces and killed on 6-6-92. His dead body was later handed over to his relatives through local Police.

40. One Shawket Ahmad Allahi R/O Qazi Gund Islamabad, was arrested by the forces and his dead body was handed over to his relatives on 6-6-92, through local Police control room.

41. One Manzoor Ahmad Bhat R/O Islamabad, was arrested by the Army some days back and taken to some torture centre, where he was tortured and killed. His dead body was recovered from "Duru" on 10-6-92.

42. One Javeed Ahmad Bhat S/O Mohd. Sidiq Bhat R/O Zoonomar, aged 24 years, was arrested by the forces from Soura, while he was travelling in a jeep along with others on 2-6-92. He was taken to some interrogation centre, where he was ruthlessly tortured. He was the Body gaurd of Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and on his intervention forces were compelled to release him. When he was released, he was half-dead and was not in a position to walk. The deceased was shifted to S.H.M.S. Hospital from Police control room and from there to Barzulla and finally to Medical Institute of Soura. He was under treatment till 12-6-92. There were several injuries on his left arm, back, and head due to which he later died in the Hospital on 12-6-92.

43. Mohd. Saleem Kaloo ( Goga) S/O Mohd. Ismail R/O Chattabal, Sgr., was taken into custody by the forces during crack-down operations. His dead body was receieved by his relatives on 13-6-92. He had been beaten by the forces ruthlessly immediately after he was taken into custody.

44. Ab. Rehman Ganiee S/O Habib-Ullah R/O Pattan, Baramulla, was arrested by the forces, taken to some interrogation cell, tortured and killed. His dead body was receieved by his relatives on 15-6-92.

45. One Mohd. Ramzan Malik was arrested by the forces during crackdown operations at Chander Hama and was beaten on the spot immidiately after arrest and then taken to some interrogation cell, where he was tortured and killed. His dead body was receieved by his relatives on 17-6-92. His dead body was with bruises and nails of his hands had been removed.

46. One Gh. Hassan Lone R/O Dagreepora, Pulwama, was arrested by the forces at Hadushiva, Tangmarg, Baramulla, during crackdown operations and taken to some torture cell and killed. Knife injuries on various parts of body were seen, when his dead body was receieved by his relatives on 23-6-92.

47. One Ab. Salam Bhat S/O Mohd. Sultan R/O Soura, Sgr., was arrested by the fores during crackdown operations on 22-6-92 and taken to some torture cell, where he was tortured and killed. His dead body was receieved by his relatives on 26-6-92, through Local Police. There were visible marks of violence on various parts of his body inflicted by hot Iron rod burns etc. He was twenty six years of age.

48. Siraj Ahmad Misgar R/O Safakadal; this innocent person had gone to his inlaws , where forces raided and arrested him in first week of January, 1992. He was taken to some unknown place. The forces did not disclose his whereabouts to his relatives for many months despite orders obtained from High Court. On 24-6-92, relatives of the said person came to know that he had been killed by the force due to torture.

49. One Shabeer Ahmad Wani R/O Wanipora, Magham, Tangmarg, Baramulla was arrested by the forces during search operations along with four other persons on 18-6-92 and taken to some torture cell, tortured and then released half-dead. He died on 1-7-92 at his home due the the injuries inflicted on him by the forces during interrogation.

50. Ab. Jabbar Mir R/O Tawheed Gunj, Baramulla, an aged man and teacher was arrested by the force on 1-7-92 and taken to some torture cell and brought in the area with hands tied with ropes. The forces shot him dead. It was announced on media that a militant was killed at Baramulla due the the explosion of a hand grenade, which he tried to throw on the forces. There were visible marks of torture on his body like broken arms and legs.

51. Bashir Ahmad Hakim S/O Habib-Ullah R/O Sariballa, a young man was arrested by the forces at Hari Singh High Street, Sgr. He was purchasing household goods in the market. He was taken to some torture cell, tortured and killed. His dead body was recovered from river Jehlum near Abi Guzar on 3-7-92. There were visible marks of violence on his body. His eyes had been gorged out.

52. One Manzoor Ahmad Kapra, aged 22 years R/O Tulamulla, Ganderbal, Sgr., was arrested by the forces some time back, and taken to some torture cell, tortured and killed. His dead body was recovered from the area at Tulla Mulla on 3-7-92. The marks found on his body indicated that the forces had tied him with a vehicle, dragged in that condition and killed him.

53. One Ali Mohd. Lone S/O Kamal Lone R/O Kangan, was arrested by the forces and taken to some cell, tortured and killed. When his dead body was recovered the face of the deceased had been burnt. His body was receieved by his relatives on 3-7-92.

54. Ab. Rehman Wani R/O Burhama, Islamabad, was arested by the forces on 30-6-92, taken to some torture cell, tortured and killed. His dead body was receieved by his relatives on 4-7-92.

55. Master Abdul Ahad Akhoon (B.A., B.Ed.) R/O Charishrief, Badgham, was arrested by the forces during crackdown operations by the forces, taken to some torture centre, where he was tortured ruthlessly. He was the headmaster of a school and an aged person. His dead body was receieved by his relatives on 4-7-92. His body was full of injururies. There were injuries like knife cuts and blue marks on various parts.

56. Ab. Rashid Bhat aged 27 years, R/O Pehru, Chadura, Badgham, was arrested by the forces on 3-7-92, and beaten. After beating him the forces shot at his leg. He was taken in that condition. His dead body was receieved by his relatives on 4-7-92.

57. One Siraj -Ud-Din S/O Saba Kaloo R/O Hari Gaphu, Presently Bahak Lachipatri, Ganderbal, was arrested by 27 B.N. Garwar Regiment. He was taken to some torture cell, tortured and killed. His dead body was recovered from a Kothar in forest on 5-7-92.

58. One Gh. Mohd. Mir aged 53 years an Accountant in Accounts General`s Office R/O Safakadal was killed, when forces during crackdown operations fired at him. Further, more than five persons were killed and injured during indiscriminate firing. The forces entered the houses and killed unarmed locals. When the sister of the martyr saw the forces killing her brother, she tried to save him, but the forces fired at her as well. She was seriously injured. This incident took place on 9-7-92 in the morning hours. The old aged person even showed him the identity card. Forces are delebrately killing the innocent and unarmed civillians with the sole object to supress the voice of the people.

59. One Nisar Ahmad Bhat R/O Zadimasjid, Safakadal, was killed by the forces after he was taken into custody and dragged out of his house during crackdown operations at Safakadal He was killed by them on 9-7-92.

60. One Bashir Ahmad ( Employee in Fire Brigrade sevrices) R/O Rambagh, Badgham was taken into custody by the forces at his home when he was about to leave for his office in uniform. The forces caught hold of him and fired about 18-20 bullets, killed him on the spot on 10-7-92.

61. One Mukhtayar Ahmad Dar R/O Tulamaulla, Ganderbal, was arrested by the forces during crackdown along with other 23 persons of the locality on 1-7-92. He was reportedly taken to Kheer Bawani torture centre and killed. His dead body bore visible marks of violence. His both legs had been burnt. He was a carpet weavr. His dead body was receieved by his relatives on 14-7-92.

62. One Mehraj-ud-din Najar S/O Gh. Mohd. R/O Sona Masjid, Fethkadal, was arrested by the BSF along with three other persons namely, Abid Hussain, Guda and Mansoor, near Peer Dastegeer Sahib, Khanayar and reportedly taken to Hari Niwas torture centre. His dead body was receieved by his relation on 19-7-92, through local Police.

63. Manzoor Ahmad Lone R/O Zainadar Mohalla, was arrested by the forces thereafter, tortured in some torture cell and killed. His dead body was receieved by his relatives on 20-7-92

64. One Fayaz Ahmad Khan S/O Gh. Nabi R/O Behama Ganderbal, was arrested by the forces on 27-7-92 along with two other persons and taken to some torture center and killed. His dead body was handed over to his relatives through local Police on 31-7-92. His dead body showed visible marks of violence.

65. One Mohd Ramzan Sofi R/O Wagil, Wagura, Baramulla, was arrested by the forces at Baba Reshi during crackdown operations, taken to some torture center and killed. His dead body was receieved by his relatives on 4-8-92.

66. One Farooq Ahmad Rather (Bashir Ahmad Khan R/O Chandanhar, Konabal, Islamabad, was arrested by the forces during crackdown and taken to some interrogation center and killed. On the body visible marks of hot iron and other visible injuries were found. His dead body was recovered in a field.

67. Fidrous Ahmad Malik R/O Phalipora, was arrested by the forces during search operation some time back from Saderkote, Bala and his dead body was receieved by his relatives on 14-8- 92. His body was bullet-ridden.

68. One Hanif Ahmad Malik( Immam) R/O Handwara, waas arrested by the forces during crackdown operations and taken to some torture cell, where he was tortured and killed. His dead body was receieved by his relatives through local Police. There were multiple injuries on parts of his body. His relatives recieved the dead body on 15-8-92.

69. Gh. Rasool Dar aged about 70 years R/O Sopore was dragged out of his house by the forces during search operations and number of bullets were fired at him after taking him into custody. He died on 16-8-92.

70. One Ab. Rashid Bhat S/O Gh. Mohd R/O Khrewah, Pampore was arrested by the forces during search operations on 15-8-92 along with others including his brother, taken to some torture cell and killed. The brother was released. Rahid's dead body was receieved by his relatives on 17-8-92 through local Police. On his body marks of violence were visible.

71. One Farooq Ahmad Ganiee S/O Gh. Rasool R/O Aribagh, Kanipora was arrested by the forces on 19-8-92 during crackdown operations along with many others, taken to some torture cell and killed. His dead body was receieved by his relation through local Police on 22-8-92. His body showed visible marks of violence. Many parts of his body were found missing. He left behind two kids and old parants.

72. Gh. Mohi-ud-din Hajam aged 45 years R/O Arampora, Sopore was arrested by the forces on 12-8-92 when he had left his home in order to go to Ashamuqam, Islamabad. His dead body was receieved by his relatives through local Police on 22-8-92.

73. One Khazir Mohd R/O Srinagar was travelling in a bus and taken into custody. He was dragged out of the bus and number of bullets were fired at him. He died on the spot at Qamarwari, Chattabal on 21-8-92.

74. One Gulla Baht R/O Shopian was taken into custody by the forces during crackdown operations and taken to near Hagipora Village, where forces fired bullets at him. He died on the spot.

75. One Mohd. Ashraf Wani (Jalal-ud-Din) S/O Mohd. Ramzan R/O Ayat Malla Gam, Bandipora was arrested by the forces from the house of one M. Yousf on 26-8-92; his dead body was receieved by his relatives on the same day in the evening with several teeth broken and one eye missing.

76. One Bashir Ahmad Baht R/O Tikan, Banduaza, Pulwama was arrested by the forces during search operations on 26-8-92 and taken to some place; his bullet-ridden body was receieved by his relatives on 28-8-92. On his body there were visible marks of violence.

77. One Mohd. Ashraf Ganiee S/O Ab. Rehman R/O Old Barzulla, Badgham, was arrested by the forces during crackdown operations on 19-8-92, taken to some torture cell and tortured. His father after making contact with forces was told that his son had been sent to Police control room. He found his son bleeding through nose, with head injuries. On the way to hospital, the Police handed over his dead body to his relatives on 29-8-92.

78. One Mohd. Yousf Baba R/O Dalgate, was arrested by the forces near Nisht in presence of number of locals on 23-8-92, who were told that he will come back after repairing the vehicle. The locals people went to see him but were not allowed by the forces and finally on 30-8-92, his dead body was recovered from Sindh Nala bearing marks of violence.

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